Dear friends, throw away the trowel and mortarboard! Throw your masons’ aprons over your heads and lie down to build dreams!
“… I see the green earth covered with the works of man or with the ruins of men’s work. The pyramids weigh down the earth, the tower of Babel has pierced the sky, the lovely temples and the gray castles have fallen into ruins.
But of all those things which hands have built, what hasn’t fallen nor ever will fall? Dear friends, throw away the trowel and mortarboard! Throw your masons’ aprons over your heads and lie down to build dreams! What are temples of stone and clay to the soul? Learn to build eternal mansions of dreams and visions!”
Selma Lagerlöf, Gösta Berling’s Saga
Innovation and Craftmanship
To innovate means to take risks. When taking risks, the difference between mindless boldness and calculated strategy is a careful assessment of assets and values you can count on. We count on our own craftmanship and our love for what we do.
We choose to work with the products we like and know best. We offer our partners our expertise and our energy to develop business together.